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Dad’s six-month turmoil after ‘false rape allegations’ made in bitter custody battle

A dad who says he was falsely accused of raping his ex-partner during a child custody battle feels he is a ‘victim in a broken system’.

The man, who asked to remain nameless, has told of the “most difficult six months of his life” after he was arrested and investigated on suspicion of rape and assault. He says his entire life was turned upside down and fears the stress could have tragic consequences for others in a similar position.

His current partner, who has been with him throughout the bitter custody battle, was called to her local police station and informed of the allegations, which she was already aware of, under Clare’s Law. Also known as the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS), it allows anyone to ask police about a partner – this can also be done by a member of the public who can ask about a close friend or family member’s partner.

Police will then check their records of the individual in relation to any convictions and inform, most likely, the person at risk. If the records shows or suggests a risk of a history of abusive or violent offences then the police will decide whether to share the information.

The Teesside man says he feels there should be something in place so partners could be informed if the person they are with has a history of making false accusations. However, he says his ex has never been investigated by the police with regards to the dropped allegations or wasting police time.

He says: “I was arrested on the grounds of rape and sexual assault allegations. These were nothing more than malicious false accusations made in attempt to destroy my life and keep me from my children.

“Almost six months later I was cleared of all enquiries without charge. I only became aware of this vital information via a solicitors letter who has represented me through out.”

“I know I am not the first to be falsely accused of such terrible thing and nor will I be the last,” he adds. “The system that is there to protect us, turns on us. Men’s mental health is a hot topic for one month out of the year but unfortunately for the rest of time no one is interested, no one speaks out on our behalf or represents us.

“I feel I am yet a victim of a broken system and all of this has been off the back of false allegation which I have been cleared of.”

The dad says he and his ex had been co-parenting following the break up and he would see his children four days a week. But things began to change after he told her of his new partner a year later.

He said she cut back when he was able to see the children which dropped to a few hours one-day a week and now hasn’t seen his children for months ahead of upcoming family court proceedings. When he got solicitors involved, the man claims allegations of psychological abuse and neglect began and a few weeks later exculpated to domestic abuse and sexual assault.

He says when the family court assessment process carried out a full background check and found nothing, the rape and sexual assault allegations were made to police. He remained on bail during the investigation and had to check in with a police station once a month.

During the investigation, the man, who is a fields sport enthusiast who had held a shotgun and firearms licence for 20 years, says his guns and even his air rifle were stripped from him and licence removed.

Now the investigation has been dropped, he says he’s been told he’ll have to wait until a year after the arrest to reapply. He says despite having a clear mental health record and having been approved for renewal months before the ‘false claims’ were made, there is nothing more he can do.

He’s only due to get his phone back from Cleveland Police in the near future after it was taken in for investigation when he was arrested over six months go.

“My entire life has been turned upside-down by these malicious accusations and they have caused epic undue stress to my self and those I love, I have suffered through the toughest six months of my life and for what?” he said. “I felt as though I was going to be able to finally put this horrendous episode in my life behind me but it would seem as though [the system] still wish to treat me as a criminal.”

A Cleveland Police spokesperson said: “False allegations of rape or sexual assault can have a very damaging impact on the person falsely accused. Such cases are dealt with robustly and those falsely accused should feel confident that police will work closely with the CPS to prosecute these cases wherever there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest to do so.

“Nationally, figures show only 3% of rape allegations are false. The impact upon a victim of rape can be catastrophic and there is support available from police, partner agencies and the SARC for anyone who has been subjected to a rape or sexual offence.

“Those who have been a victim are encouraged to report to the police where specially trained officers can provide support.”

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